Call of Duty: Ghosts [Update 2] (2013) PC | Патч от R.G. Origins

полный обзор

Версия: Update 2
Тип обновления: Кумулятивное
Поддерживаемые языки: русский
Релиз-группа: R.G. Origins
Защита: Steam
Таблетка: Присутствует (RELOADED)

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Changelog Update 2
Title Update: PC
New Features
◦#CODeSports option added, providing further MLG support; Contains a Broadcast mode and the ability to enable the latest MLG ruleset in both online Private Matches and System Link.
◦Nvidia SLI performance improvements.
◦AMD performance improvements, reducing in-game hitching on cards with 1Gb RAM.
◦CPU performance optimization for PC’s with less than 4 cores.
◦Changed the less than 6Gb RAM minimum spec. fence from a blocking error to a warning screen.
◦4k display option added.
◦Fixed a rare crash when quitting out of an MP match while calling in a squad mate with a riot shield equipped.
◦Fixed a crash which occurred when renaming a loadout as the match was starting.
◦Fixed a crash when the host of a Wargame match could crash if they are pulled out of the match while in a 5 player party.
◦Fixed an MP Siege rare crash on load.
◦Numerous other MP in-game stability fixes.
Key Changes
◦Further spawn logic improvements.
◦Fixed a spawn exploit where players would always respawn at their team spawn within the first 15 seconds of a game, even if an enemy was nearby.
◦Increased XP rewards slightly for Operations and early tier weapon challenges.
◦Added leaderboard for Search and Destroy game mode.
◦Numerous map exploit fixes in MP and Extinction.
◦Numerous Anti-Cheat fixes.
◦Fixed collision bugs on multiple maps.
◦Infected now has its maximum players increased to 18 players.
◦Care package stacking exploit fix.
◦Increased Search and Destroy XP to give 10x XP instead of 5x XP.
◦Search and Destroy, now has its own online playlist.
Additional Fixes
◦Fixed a very rare bug where player couldn't get their first squad member.
◦Fulllscreen, Alt+Tab and Minimizing bug fixes.
◦Improved character models rendering, when viewing players with the Gryphon.
◦Accuracy fix for Steam cloud-storage space check.
◦Spectator movement improvements.
◦Further support for the COD App.
◦Clan tags no longer missing a bracket when viewed in-game.
◦Dedicated server bug fixes.
◦Moving the game over to a second monitor is now saved.
◦Fix for seeing empty player name when joining a game in progress.
◦Reduced upwards velocity when performing a melee charge.
◦ADS while moving in a remote turret is now allowed.
◦Dog no longer twitch when player is too close.
◦Blur effect from being underwater persisted in killcam when player was killed with trinity rocket.
◦Ping for bots now returns a more accurate 0ms.
◦Fixing mouse scroll not working on the final scoreboard.
◦Fixed a very rare issue where the left pistol could shoot two bullets instead of one.
◦Preferred weapon stat in the player stats lobby page, is now accurate.
◦Vehicle explosions sometimes did not appear in killcams; fixed.
◦Fixed a bug in the Single player space mission; minimum specification PC’s sometimes failed the start of the mission due to being thrown into space at high velocity.
◦Fixed a rare issue with corpses flickering after prolonged play.
◦Disable the create clan button when the service is unavailable.
◦Added error popup to the Call of Duty Account button when the service is down.
◦Added an error message on the Clan section of the Friends List when the service is down.
◦When losing internet connection, then attempting to modify a loadout's perks, the game now returns you to the main menu.
◦Updated video graphics option to query for TXAA support.
◦Balanced the Focus Perk's view-kick scale.
◦Fixed bug where clan tag colors were not showing up on Clan Details page.
◦Fixed an issue where mantling while going through a blitz portal would sometimes not teleport the players.
◦Adding patch & background reward for Call of Duty Account Registration.
◦In Extinction, fixed a rare issue where the alien wouldn’t retreat.
◦On exit from the graphics options, the "Apply Settings” prompt was appearing when nothing had been changed; fixed.
◦Fixed an issue in Extinction when the hive chopper wouldn’t show up if an attack chopper was bought during a very specific window of time.
◦Fix for sometimes spawning from last stand without a weapon in hand in Extinction.
◦Fix for a few last stand revive weapon bugs in Extinction.
◦Added new MP spawn music.
◦Fixed an issue with the ammo counter sometimes not showing up properly in safeguard.
◦Fixed a rare issue where the Score/XP popup (i.e., +100) didn’t appear when killing a player in Squads Mode.
◦Changing the leaderboard filter then scrolling would sometimes cause the user to be sent back to a previous menu screen, fixed.
◦Fixed performance issues when quickly mouse scrolling with the wheel through leaderboards.
◦We now show dog tags to spectators in Search and Rescue.
◦Ensured the ratchet sound only plays when first entering the summary after a game.
◦Replace generic unlock icon (head/helmet/uniform) with text deion of item.
◦Fixed a bug with shooting down a heli sniper with a gryphon.
◦Riot shield assists challenge balancing.
◦Fixed bug where if you moved the mouse over the member list you couldn’t go left with a gamepad.
◦Fixed operation completion bonus to account for multi-tier operations rolling over.
◦Improved UI messages to explain rewards.
◦Added a "Track Operation" button helper text in the operation selection menu.
◦Make it so the CoD Anywhere confirm button does not disappear when you back out of a field edit popup.
◦Fix for mismatched player cards in extinction mode.
◦Added thermal hybrid scope hint in extinction HUD.
◦Fixed an issue where backing out of a certain error popup would cause the player to sit in a lobby that wouldn't fill up in Squad Assault.
◦Fixed unlocalized text in the Extinction unlock screen for Extinction abilities.
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Комментарии (31)
  1. Saneck83
    VIP геймер Saneck83 (Звание: Рядовой)
    21 ноября 2013 08:21
    парни ,а можно на 4gb оперативы играть?
    0 0
  2. Core2Quad
    проверенный пользователь Core2Quad (Звание: Рядовой)
    21 ноября 2013 07:43
    Чё вы её так обсираете???Лично мне понравилась игра....во всяком случае не хуже,чем блэк опс 2
    0 0
  3. Никита
    Группа прохожие Никита (Звание: )
    21 ноября 2013 06:00
    А тут разве ещё что-то есть кроме графона? Я что-то не заметил крутого сюжета, нового мультиплеера, хорошего звука. Игра- калл, поймите уже это!
    0 0
  4. Никита
    Группа прохожие Никита (Звание: )
    21 ноября 2013 05:58
    Ну вообще-то игра реально не очень. Во всех аспектах она проигрывает всем предыдущим частям, ну кроме завышенных требований. Все нормальные люди ставят игре 6-7 баллов, но есть и такие придурки, которые ставят игре 9 баллов.
    0 0
  5. glow-starter
    проверенный пользователь glow-starter (Звание: Рядовой)
    21 ноября 2013 05:47
    собролася школота поговнягать я вообщето в шуторы не играю но не как мимо пройти не могу вндь через год с ней будете сравнивать какую нибудь новинку и осирать её вот бы разрабы вообще откозались локолизовать калву на руском вот взвылибы
    0 0
  6. ghost_1502
    проверенный пользователь ghost_1502 (Звание: Контр-адмирал)
    21 ноября 2013 04:50
    такого патча не существует
    0 0
  7. ogugouhoih
    проверенный пользователь ogugouhoih (Звание: Рядовой)
    21 ноября 2013 02:55
    тоже блять девки нашлись
    0 0
  8. ogugouhoih
    проверенный пользователь ogugouhoih (Звание: Рядовой)
    21 ноября 2013 02:55
    и мне похер на графон, я не из-за графона играю
    0 0
  9. ogugouhoih
    проверенный пользователь ogugouhoih (Звание: Рядовой)
    21 ноября 2013 02:54
    это ты ,если не понимаешь в играх толк!!
    0 0
  10. ev8886
    VIP старый пират ev8886 (Звание: Капитан-лейтенант)
    20 ноября 2013 22:39
    если есть сылка на игру с патчем для работы на 32 киньте в лс сылку плиз)))
    0 0
  11. XxX_MAKS_XxX
    проверенный пользователь XxX_MAKS_XxX (Звание: Рядовой)
    20 ноября 2013 21:41
    Нафига ставить патчи, если игра ГОВНО!!!
    0 0
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